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Showing posts from October, 2009

First roll-over!

Today has been marked as officially the day when Harrison started to roll over. Jen left Harrison playing on the ground on his back whilst she was in the nearby kitchen, and when returned a few moments later noticed that Harrison had a very cheeky and content look on his face, and more importantly, was on his tummy. Harrison was so happy with himself, and has proceeded to continue rolling ever since! NB: A few weeks ago he also rolled over whilst he was getting changed on his change mat, however he has not repeated until today so we think that may have been a fluke :) The cheeky little boy is proud and happy with himself- roll conquered and book/toys flattened!

Triathlon season commences for Pete

Sunday (25th) morning Pete completed his first Triathlon for three years! As Bin was taking off from her visit and a teary moment was had, Pete was taking the plunge into the surf for a 750m swim. The Triathlon was held at Hobbie Beach and is organised through EPTA (Eastern Province Triathlon Association) of which Pete is now a season long member! Luckily, although overcast, the morning was mild and about 80 people competed in either a "Sprint - 750m S, 20km B & 5km R" or "Olympic" distance triathlon. Pete elected for the Sprint distance with the thought of the 750m swim in open water enough to make him nervous. With the swim course heading straight out and back the boy indicating the turn around point sure did look a long way off shore. Donning his Birthday present (Tri-wetsuit) Pet made it around slowly but successfully and with out having to resort to breast/back stroke! The Ride was windy but went well and the 5km run a breeze! Over all time 1h:27:12, A good...

Bin's time in PE...

After returning from our road trip to Franschhoek, Bin had 5 days of her holiday remaining to see the sights of PE and experience Jen's new daily life as a mother! This time was filled with a day trip to Addo to see some African game, driving around the sights of PE and numerous exercise sessions along the foreshore and around the neighbouring suburbs. We were also fortunate with timing, as Bin babysat Harrison on Friday night whilst we went to a cocktail party (thanks Bin!). For Bin's last night we cooked a yummy Christmas dinner (seeing we wouldn't be celebrating Christmas together this year). The meal was complete with roast turkey, roasted vegetables, tomato pie, delicious pork mince & bacon stuffing, and of course ended with a homemade Christmas pudding, egg custard and hard sauce. Ahhh.... was all so delicious! There were tears at the airport when we dropped Bin off, but thankfully it should only be a few months before we return to Australia for a holiday (or for ...

Road trip to Franschhoek and along the Garden Route with Bin

We were incredibly excited for Bin’s long awaited arrival and visit to meet Harrison. Harrison immediately had a lot of laughs and smiles for Bin, making sure he won her over straight away! Within 24hrs of landing we whisked Bin away for our mini holiday. We drove along the garden route (the coastal route between PE and Cape town) straight to Franschhoek (link to previous post for details on Franshhoek) making a mental note of places to stop on the return drive. We stayed for 4 nights in Franschhoek in a cute cottage with stunning views of the Franschhoek valley floor and surrounding rugged mountains. We ventured into Cape Town on Thursday, primarily to attend an interview with the Australian consulate to obtain Harrison’s passport. Thankfully Harrison passed with flying colours & the passport should arrive within 10 days! Seeing we had all visited Cape Town previously, after the interview we meandered along the coastal road marvelling at the cliff hanging houses of Clifton and bea...

Harrison, 4 months

We can't believe how quickly Harrison is growing up. He is now 8.25kg and 69cm in length at 4 months. A very tall boy for his age! Nearly all of his birth hair has fallen out and been replaced with what looks to be fair hair. Happy to be upright! Irresistible, dribble & all! Mesmerised with Kaloo on the road trip to Franschhoek Lots of hugs with Aunty Bin Loving sucking on anything, including Aunty Bin's hand! Harrison monitoring all action whilst we had coffee in Franschhoek, he is very inquisitive. Followed by giggles...

Thick fog engulfs Port Elizabeth!

Today a thick fog engulfed the city of PE. It was quite an eerie feeling but looked spectacular watching it encroach from the ocean... View of the harbour from our house

Harrison & his little friends!

Some of the mums & babies in our class (another 4 mums & babies missing) Over the last 8 weeks, Harrison has made lots of new friends through his 'Baby Builders' classes. Each week Jen & Harrison attend the baby stimulation & development classes for baby play, exercise & massage (it's really also just a chance for Mum's to get together too!). Harrison's favourite is the stretches- he laughs constantly whenever we do them. So cute & funny! The classes are in a gorgeous house in Main Road, Walmer with yummy Bocadillo's cafe right next door (very handy for coffee afterwards). Tummy time on the beach balls "Here we go 'round the Mulburry Bush..." Tummy time for Helene, Connor & Harrison Dona'h (instructor) helping with footprints The babies in their 'car' boxes. Back (L-R): Abby, Harrison, Ella, Charlotte; Front (L-R) Connor, Helene, Matthew Harrison with the girls- Abby & Ella The aftermath of the ...