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Hunting lions and posing cheetahs...

Our friend Paul Burger had too tempting an offer on Thursday night. His parents had access to their timeshare house in a resort at Hazyview (bordering Kruger NP) and there was an empty bedroom- were we keen? Paul even offered to drive seeing he was competing in a 155km bike race on Saturday in the region!

We ventured east along the N4 after a typical Friday afternoon of work and made some last minute plans for the weekends activities.

An early 6's collection beckoned on Saturday morning for a private game drive through Kruger. Seeing we have done a fair bit of game viewing to date, we weren't too concerned in relation to the game we saw. Well ... within 5 minutes of entering the park we stumbled across a cheetah posing gracefully on top of a rock mounded sign. With the sun rising behind the cheetah it was an amazing sight.

Then with in minutes came across a pride of 4 lionesses and 2 lions who were looking for a kill. We witnessed a lioness attempting to hunt and mawl a lone buffalo- unfortunately for the one interested lioness it had no chance without the help of the other lionesses. We then followed the pride of active lions as they skerted a koppe (small rocky hill) until they came across a herd of 50+ buffalo and watched their hunting techniques in action. A lion slowly and gracefully snuck up to the herd to announce the prides presence. The buffalo had no idea the lions were in the vicinity so were startled and ran in the opposite direction at pace. But within 10 seconds the buffalo herd had regrouped and proceeded to charge en mass at the lion! Our guide predicted that a kill would take place that evening so we decided to move on & see what other game was in the region.
This will prove an expensive game drive though as it has confirmed that we must buy a digital SLR with lens to ensure we are better equipped for photo's in the future!

A lion improving vantage point of the surrounding region

The afternoon was spent relaxing in the sun of Mpumalanga and enjoying the tropical surrounds. The house we were staying in is on the fairway of the 16th and overlooks a river which is the home to 30+ wild hippo's. Thankfully the hippo's prefer basking in the sun on the sandy island in the river to the grassy shores! As a security measure the resort have installed a 'fence' (ie. one piece of thin electric wire) along the river which faces the accommodation!

We enjoyed a braai on Saturday night whilst watching a stage of Le tour de France with Paul and his parents. It did feel strange (but nice) to be in the company of parents who look after you!

Sunday was golf day at the resort's golf course ( With water hazards on 14 of the 18 holes we were prepared and stocked up on golf balls. Thankfully having played the previous weekend we found some consistency in our game so managed to clear the water when required (lots of shouts of celebration followed each time for Jen!) Unfortunately both of our short games were dismal so back to the driving range for practice...

The cute markers on the tees!
As if the golf balls are the biggest concern!

Pete taking a practice shot with the hippo's behind!

Unfortunately (fortunately!) the golf cart is obligatory for 18 holes... you are too slow for the field otherwise and the distance between green & tees can be a long way.

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