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Trip to Australia, 13 Feb - 25 Feb

After a year abroad we were both so excited about the return trip to Australia. Jen said a tearful goodbye to her work mates and colleagues at Charles Orbach on Thursday lunch (last day of work for a year!), and we both boarded the plane for Australia the same afternoon. The flight into Melbourne revealed the true extent of the drought, and the consequent bush fires surrounding Melbourne. There was a thick blanket of smoke for the entire descent into Tullamarine Airport.

Having not visited country Victoria since our departure in 2007, we undertook a little road trip to our families. Firstly we visited Ballarat and Cave Hill Creek to spend time with Pete’s family. We were fortunate to be in Australia for Bella (Pete’s niece) 4th birthday party at Cave Hill Creek. I think Bella, Charlie, Dan and Max all got a shock seeing us- don’t think they could actually remember us!
The mandatory Chandler family shot!

It was then onto Warrnambool to visit Jen’s parents for a relaxing 3 days. We spent one day on the great ocean road visiting the twelve apostles and surrounding sites, and feasting on a gourmet lunch (well... by RSA standards) at Timboon. It was a lovely summer’s day with beautiful weather which perfectly complemented the stunning scenery.

Pete and Jen (+ growing bump) at the 12 apostles
More of the 12 apostles...
Jackie, Stu & Pete at the 12 Apostles
Jen at Loch Ard Gorge- could not have been more inviting!
Stu practicing grand parent duties with Em & little Lachlan Lloyd.

Back in Melbourne, we enjoyed many delicious meals with numerous friends and family- thank you everyone for your hospitality. We loved sharing Jen’s growing bump with you all!

A trip to Australia wouldn’t be complete without the compulsory shopping trips. Consequently the credit card got so much of a working that the CBA contacted us suspecting fraud due to the number of transactions!

Lucky for us, Rach Rodda timed the birth of Harvey perfectly. We were able to see Rach pre & post pregnancy, and are so glad that we could meet Harvey.

Pregnant ladies- Jen 22 weeks & Rach 39 weeks
Rodda family with little Harvey & sister Amelie

Whilst we loved our return trip to Australia, it did feel as though we were returning to our temporary home of RSA. Exciting times ahead!

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