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Showing posts from June, 2009

Another visit to Jeffrey's Bay...

After a couple of days of horrendous weather, the sun was finally shining on Saturday. It was therefore decided to visit the nearby Jeffrey's Bay and explore Cape St Francis. We stumbled across a surfing competition at Jeffrey's Bay which provided the perfect resting place for a feed for Harrison. Jeffrey's Bay is considered the surfing mecca of Southern Africa, so it was somewhat fitting that we have finally seen a surfing competition in action at the renowned 'Super tubes' surfing beach. A fresh seafood lunch was then enjoyed at the Walskipper before we ventured further west along the coast to Cape St Francis. The coastline and beaches surrounding Cape St Francis are very picturesque so we will be sure to return in warmer weather. Lunch at Walskipper Harrison rugged up at the surf competition A surfer emerging from a tube at Super tubes, Jeffrey's Bay

Father's Day picnic at Schoenmakerskop

With the weather being quite mild, we ventured along the coastline from PE to Schoenmakerskop for a picnic lunch. The picnic was accompanied with stunning views along the coastline of beaches interjected with interesting rock pool formations and rocky outcrops. It was the perfect setting to celebrate Pete’s first fathers day, and Stu’s first fathers day as a grandfather. Harrison was content with his first picnic and even got to see a pod of dolphins! Pete, Jackie, Stu & Harrison enjoying a picnic lunch Some of the pod of dolphin's swimming 100m off shore Pete sharing Father's Day cuddles with Harrison Breastfeeding with a view!

Jackie & Stu arrive!

Jen’s parents, Jackie & Stu, returned to South Africa last Sunday for the much anticipated arrival of their first grandchild. There was a very quick hug & kiss for Jen and Pete at the airport before they both literally jumped into the backseat of the car to get their first glimpse of Harrison. It was a hilarious sight... Since then they have been transfixed by Harrison and are doting on him (and the parents...) hand & foot. They have been a huge help around the house helping with the cooking, shopping and even some midnight nappy changes. Stu is still trying to think of a solution to allow him to take Harrison around the golf course with him! Harrison watching Granny cook in the kitchen

Life with Harrison so far...

A content Harrison, 4 days old After being in the womb for around 39 weeks, we were understandably so incredibly excited to meet Harrison on 9 June 2009. "He's a big boy" were the first comments of the obstetrician! We are so elated at being parents to Harrison and are constantly overwhelmed at the love and affection you nuture within yourselves upon the birth of your own child. Jen is recovering in leaps and bounds from the surgery. Seeing both her and Harrison were healthy & well we were discharged on Friday from St George's Hospital. The staff and service provided at the hospital was excellent. We had our own private room with a double bed enabling Pete to 'room-in' with Jen & Harrison and start the family bonding! Whilst being clearly biased, we are doting parents and think he is incredibly cute. We are not yet sure who he looks like, but I'm sure time (and lots of opinions from everyone!) will tell. So far Harrison has been a very well behaved...

Harrison James Chandler - born 9 June 2009

Harrison James Chandler arrived at 14:30, Tuesday, 9th June 2009. Weighing in at 3.86kg and 55cm long, he was delivered via c-section surgery. Both Mum and boy are in great health. Dad is besotted with them both even after changing the 1st nappie!! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing! Tipping the scales at 3.86kg (8,5lbs)

Competitor 7644 in the duathlon...

Pete competed in a duathlon on Sunday in PE comprising a 5km run, 30km ride, then finishing with a 2.5km run. There was only a small field of participants ( Even though Jen obviously did not compete, her spectator and photographer duties did not go unnoticed. She won a spot prize for “the person who is very pregnant or about to give birth”! 2.5km into the first run leg Pete in transition area from run to bike Start of the 30km bike race. Maximum speed 65km/hr with help of a tail wind, minimum speed 17.5km/hr in other direction! Jen filled her time during the cycle leg by walking on the well worn track (she walks this ~5 times p/wk) along the foreshore. Pollocks Beach, PE Pollocks beach surrounded by the commercial seaside suburb of Summerstrand Pete returns from his cycle leg, still with a smile on his face! Transition phase 2 from cycle to final run leg Crossing the finish line! A happy Jen with her spot prizes!

Wild & windy Port Elizabeth

37 1/2 weeks... Sunday, the last day of May, appeared to be the day defining the change in seasons. Late in the afternoon it was wild and incredibly windy on the coast. We visited Pollock’s beach to take the below photo’s. Even though there were gale force winds, the temperature still never dropped below 17c. The bay was providing shelter for the fishing boats for the weekend The popular Hobbies beach was understandably deserted